Lower Dungeness Levee Setback & Floodplain Restoration

CLIENT Clallam County

Location Clallam County, WA

The Lower Dungeness project involves 2,500-foot-long, river levee setback, roadway relocation and 120-acre river floodplain restoration. 

As prime consultant, Shannon & Wilson is leading the project design team for design, permitting, and construction phase engineering services. The work includes fluvial geomorphology, multidimensional (2D) hydraulic modeling, erosion and scour protection, groundwater studies, sea-level-rise and climate change analysis, drainage studies, roadway reconfiguration designs, geotechnical stability analyses, and seismic analyses.

We are collaborating with Clallam County and the US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Washington State Department of Transportation in developing a restoration design that restores functional river floodplain and channel migration zone, while addressing potential project impacts and community concerns.


Stan Boyle
Senior Vice President

Merci Clinton

Sarah Corbin
Senior Biologist

Brian Reznick
Vice President

Amy Summe

Katie Walter
Vice President

Ben Warren

Stephanie Wanderer
Senior Geologist

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